Episode #0014 – Why do updates suck?

Running updates on your devices can be a hassle, but it’s also a necessity for security and performance. Even with that being known, these updates can be a hassle for both client-side users and IT professionals alike. In this episode, we’ll be discussing why running updates in any environment can be a pain in your side. We’ll also be covering the recent controversial changes to the Reddit API and to keep the AI theme going strong this episode, we’ll be discussing a lawyer who thought using ChatGPT to generate fake sources in an ongoing court case was a good idea. Tune in and let us know what you think!

Join the conversation!

We’d love to hear all about your opinions on updates of all varieties and why you think they stink! Stop by our Discord and let us know!


This episode goes/went live at 1:30PM CT on 7/1/2023 (exact time of episode availability will vary per platform – Spotify is always live first)


Tags: #IT, #updates, #windows, #firmware, #featureupdates, #reddit, #Matt, #Jordyn, #Brent, #Shaun

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